Steam In The East Midlands and Lincolnshire by Roderick H Fowkes

09 January 2019
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In its 150 pages, the major railway centres are covered in the areas (though Leicester and Loughborough are omitted) as well as some of the lesser-known (and delightful) byways...

This weighty tome is subtitled A PICTORIAL JOURNEY IN THE LATE 1950s AND EARLY 1960s, and that’s exactly what it is, in black & white (which is most-appropriate).

In its 150 pages, the major railway centres are covered in the areas (though Leicester and Loughborough are omitted) as well as some of the lesser-known (and delightful) byways. As usual in books of this sort, locomotives take centre stage, with build-dates and scrapping dates for most of those illustrated included. Though this is useful, we feel much more might have been written about the infrastructure (most now long-gone) and trains. Though odd vehicles are mentioned, there are some delightful examples which are shown for which no comment is made.

We were particularly interested in the shots at Saxby Junction and, especially, the last Chapter on Grantham (though we’d call SILVER LINK the ‘doyen’ of the A4s, even if MALLARD is the most famous), Printing values are generally good, and there are several clear maps and tables at the rear. This is a most useful volume for modellers of this popular period.

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ISBN: 978 1473896290. Price: £25.00.