Hornby Railroad 45T SAA steel carrier wagon arrives

23 April 2024
New to Hornby's Railroad range is the 45T SAA steel carrier wagon in a red/grey Railfreight livery, and it is available to order now.

This model traces its roots back to the 1970s, with a chassis common to their VDA and OBA wagons of similar vintage with pivoting axle frames so that the longer 4-wheel chassis can cope with first radius curves.

Sadly, the axle boxes aren't those of an SAA. SAA wagons with side stanchions that can be raised or lowered (which the models do too) weren't particularly long-lived or widespread until they were converted into FPA container flats or KTA coil carriers.

Hornby's model is closer to the KTA style with its transverse bolster beams. We assume the wagon is produced from reference pictures, which would hopefully explain the haphazard 'Not to be loose shunted' lettering on both sides.

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The old, large tension lock couplings are fixed to the pivoting axle with no provision for a coupling pocket. Still, for £19.99, it's not going to break the bank.

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